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Results that stick

Review - Checklist 

  1. Tell me about the last 5 weeks -

    1. What's gone well?

    2. What's been more of a struggle?

    3. What have you learned?

  2. Let's take a look at your BodyScan

    1. Fat​

    2. Muscle

    3. Water

    4. IB Score

    5. Visceral fat

  3. Tell me about your behaviours in more detail​

    1. Your snacking / fasting

    2. Refined carbs and processed foods

    3. Weekends

  4. Finally your cals and protein (be prepared, already know)​

  5. Let's remind ourselves of your original goals

    1. Details

    2. Progress made

    3. Are these still important to you

  6. Plan going forwards​

    1. Continued subscription​

    2. 2 weeks notice to end or break

    3. Other options (only if needed)

    4. Leave with a decision

    5. Unsure, talk through

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