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➡️20kg FAT loss⬅️

James transformed his body composition and confident inside 12 months. He is now thinking about becoming a PT himself!

We hope he does... 😉



"“Like a lot of other people, lockdown was quite a lazy period for me and made me realise how passively active I was. It wasn’t until January 2022 where I had to self-isolate for family matters and coming out of that I realise how much weight I had really put on.


I wasn’t happy looking at myself in a mirror or realising some of my favourite shirts didn’t fit anymore. The moment that made me realise I needed to do something was waking up at 3am with heartburn having eaten a greasy pizza the night before.


I was fat and didn’t want to be fat anymore. I was looking around for personal trainers because I can safely say I have no discipline to go to a gym regularly by myself or with a friend, so I needed that extra push.


I was definitely hesitant to commit, I was embarrassed that I was 24 and couldn’t commit myself to a gym. I took the plunge and I’ve now been with Gloo for 1 year, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


Overall it has done wonders for my health physically and especially mentally. Not only have I lost 20kg in fat but my confidence in myself has grown incredibly,


I’m pushing myself out of my comfort zone, pursuing activities I haven’t felt like I’d have been able to do before, even throwing away those favourite shirts because they’re too big now! 


I am in the best shape I have ever been in my life and still looking to improve. Thank team Gloo!”

No, thank you James! You are truly an inspiration. 

Start your own journey with us today 

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